Setting Automatic Follow-Up Emails

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated


There are times when you're on a deadline, but clients are busy, distracted, or sometimes just plain forgetful. Proposify has a feature that allows you to automatically send a follow-up email to your prospective clients to let them know you're still waiting on an answer to your proposal.


Scheduling Your Reminders

You can schedule your reminder emails from the Proposal's Snapshot. From the dashboard page, select the document you wish to send the reminder for.
Once at the Snapshot page, in the activity feed, you should see a green 'Send Reminder' button:



You can also manually send a reminder to your client (still on the Snapshot page), by clicking on the stopwatch icon next to your client name:



Next, you'll see a pop-up that will have the main reminder details:


The default reminder email template will be pre-selected, but you're able to change it with the dropdown menu. If you don't have any other templates, you can add them in the email template setting.

Next, after you have set the email template, you can scroll down and set a time in which to send additional reminders (but only if the box is checked):


Important note: These settings are based on calendar days. If you're sending a proposal out on Friday and want to set a reminder for three business days, make sure to include the two extra days for the weekend.

Once your client has viewed the proposal, any additional reminders won't be sent.

Looking for more info on sending your proposal? Click here.