Updating Sections In Your Templates

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Updating Sections In Your Templates

Made a change to your section and would like to update all your templates with the new version? Click here to find out how.

The more your business grows, the more your sales documents grow along with them. We make it easy to manage sections within your templates so your team is always using your latest, best work.

Here’s what this article covers:


This feature requires a few things enabled on your user account to work. Your role will need access to:

  • Permission to add/edit/delete sections.

  • Permission to add/edit/delete templates.

  • Sections used in more than one template.

Another thing to note: You will only be allowed to update templates you can access. If you can only view your workspace’s templates, then those are the only ones you can update.

Open the Apply To Templates Menu

From the Section Editor

From your chosen section, select Apply To Templates found in the right-hand menu:

From the Proposal or Template Editor

You can apply changes made to a section to other templates from the Section or Template Editor. Expand the three-dot menu next to your chosen section, then select Save To Library.

From the Save To Library menu, enable the checkbox next to Apply this update to Templates. Then select Save.


Select The Templates

You’ll now see the Add To Templates menu. This menu shows you a list of all the templates you’re allowed to change that contain this section. Select the ones you would like to update (or enable Select all) and select Continue:


Next, you’ll see a list of your selected templates. Take a look and make sure these are the ones you want to update. If you change your mind, you can disable the checkbox to cancel the update for that template. When you’re ready, select Update Templates to begin:

HEADS UP: Once you select Update Templates, there’s no turning back. We’ll go through the list and update this section in each template. Make extra-sure you chose the correct ones.

As we begin working through updating your changes, you can view the status from this menu.

Once complete, we’ll confirm the updates and include how many were successful.


Working In An Updated Section

If you are editing a section that another user is updating, you can choose to accept their update or keep working on your version of the section as a duplicate.

If you’d like to keep your changes, select Keep Editing to save your working as a duplicate in this document. You can keep working and save to the Content Library when you’re done. Because this is a new section, you’ll need to import it to other templates.

If you’d like to replace your changes with the new update, select Accept Update. This will discard your edits and apply the new version.

HEADS UP: Once you select Accept Update, it can't be undone. Make extra super-duper sure you want to discard your changes before choosing that option. Your work can’t be recovered.

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