Custom Row Styling

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

The Edit Styles and Formatting menu helps you adjust the style of your entire pricing table at once, but what about changing the look of your rows one at a time? Sometimes, creating visual contrast in your table by varying row styles may improve the clarity of your layout. Or sometimes your table needs more precise stylistic adjustments at the line-item level to perfectly match your branding. With custom row styling, you can fine-tune the color, borders, and more to explain your pricing as clearly as possible and create eye-catching pricing tables.

Adding custom row styles will override your default table styles set in the Edit Styles and Formatting menu.

Adding Custom Row Styles

If you have editing permissions for the document, you can access the Custom Styles menu through the Line Item Options menu. To do this, click on the row you want to modify, and then expand the three-dot menu on the right:

 Here, in the Line Item Options menu, click Custom Styles to open the Custom Styles menu:

Here, you’ll see a range of options for you to match your table style with your brand. Here’s a breakdown:

Row color

Click the box to open the colour picker and change the background colour for the targeted row.


Checkbox: Select/clear to turn all the borders on/off for the respective dimension.

Border Colour: Click the box to open the colour picker and change the border colour.

Number box: Enter a value or use the increment arrows to determine the thickness of the border lines (in pixels).

Reset Row Style

Remove all custom styles applied to the targeted row, and revert to the default table style.

Your changes will only affect the selected row, to learn how to change the appearance of all your rows at once, check out our Table Format article.

Your changes will automatically apply as you make them, so just click anywhere outside of the menu to exit to continue working on your document.