Looking to avoid surprising your client with additional charges for taxes? Here's how to include taxes in your total.
For those who want to ensure the client has the full listed price in the Total footer of their proposal, we have the option to allow you to include taxes in your preview total.
To include taxes in the total, enter the proposal's Editor page and find the total in the right-hand menu:
There will be a checkbox underneath the total labelled "Include taxes in preview":
Check that box and you'll see the total automatically change to include the taxes in your fee tables:
This will include taxes in three places:
The total footer in your Preview Page (and the client's view of the proposal)
Your Dashboard page:
Finally, your metrics:
Include taxes in total by default
If you would like all of your future proposals to include this option, you can do that by going to Settings, then clicking Client Preview:
Then check the box next to "include taxes in total" and save your changes:
Once your settings are saved, all future proposals will automatically include taxes in their totals.
Looking to add a tax to your proposal? Click here