Manual Totals

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Looking to add a dollar value to a document without a fee table? Click here to learn how.

Proposify made pricing tables to give our users the ability to create and manage fees within a proposal. These pricing tables then reflect the proposal's value. There are times, though, when you need to set a value outside of your pricing tables. If you need a price in your document, but don’t need a pricing table, you can set a value to your proposal.

Are you looking for something specific? Here’s what we’ll cover: 

Setting A Manual Total

At the top right of the Template or Proposal Editor, you’ll find the pricing field. Click it to expand the pricing menu

Before setting a total, you’ll find a list of totals from all pricing tables in this document. Under those, you’ll find a toggle letting you choose whether to include taxes.

Below the main price, select the toggle labelled set manual total. Once selected, the menu will expand with a proposal value field. 

Once activated, you can select the field under pricing to set your price. When the price is set, your proposal’s value field will change to reflect the manual total. You can also tell if a total has been manually set by the blue triangle that appears at the top right of the pricing field: 

HEADS UP: This will override any current pricing tables within your proposal. This includes all recurring fees, optional fees, and fees with editable quantities. If you need your customer to be able to set the price, or need to show a recurring fee, this won’t work for you (yet).

Manual Totals In Your Account

Adding a manual total will not just provide a value in the editor. This value will reflect wherever this document appears in your account, including:

  • The total footer in your document’s Preview page.

  • All {total} variables within the same document.

  • The doc’s Snapshot page

  • The Pipeline page

  • Metrics

NOTE: We’re working on the ability to push manual totals to our integrated services (Hubspot, Quickbooks, Stripe, etc). In the meantime, manual values won’t reflect in your integration. 


Adding A Tax To A Manual Total

If you need to add a tax to your manual total, click the pricing field at the top right of the editor. 

This will expand the total field. From there, select add tax

Once selected, the tax menu will expand, allowing you to select a name and percentage to add to this total

Once you exit these fields, we’ll update your totals. If your prospect is viewing the document, they’ll see the updated pricing when they refresh the page.

Editing A Manual Total

If you need to edit your manual total, select the pricing field at the top right of the editor. 

This will expand the pricing menu. From here, select the field you would like to edit. Once you click outside of that field, we’ll save your change. This immediately reflects across your account.

Related Reading

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