Saving Your Fees

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Have some fees that you use over and over again? Click here to find out how to easily save and re-add them to any document.

Tailoring your document to your prospect is a good idea. There are some parts that can get tedious, though, especially when it comes to service fees. No matter the business, there are some charges that apply to almost everyone. Re-entering those can get redundant. If you have fees that you use often or need to keep consistent, take a look at our Pricing Library feature.

In a rush? Here's what what we are covering in this article:

The Pricing Library is a quick way to store, maintain, and reuse frequently-used fees in your fee tables. It allows you to save, import, or build fees and push them in batches to your documents’ pricing tables.

There are three different ways to add fees to your Pricing library:

Saving Fees From the Editor

Click the row you want to add and expand the Line Item Options menu on the right:

From here, click Copy to Fee Library to add the targeted fee to the main folder your Pricing Library

Saving Fees From the Content Library

To reach the Pricing library, click Content Library from the left-hand menu:

Then click Fees to open the Pricing Library:

To add a fee to your Pricing Library, open the Pricing Library and click the green +Fee button:

Once clicked, the Fee Editor will appear and you can build out your fee:

Fill out the details, tag it, select where it's stored, then click Save at the bottom. You'll get a message at the top of the page confirming creation was successful and where you can find it:

Saving Fees From a CSV File

If you've created a database of fees in CSV format, you can import that file to Proposify. This will add all those fees to your content library in one batch.

To start, you need to head over to the Pricing library. Click Content Library from the left-hand menu:

Then click Fees to open the Pricing Library:

Once you've entered the Pricing library, click Import at the right of the page:

This will open the Import Fees menu where you can upload your CSV file:

You can drag and drop the CSV file from your desktop, or click Click here to upload to open your operating system's file manager. You can also click Download Sample CSV to see an example CSV structure.

Once we upload the file, you'll need to map the columns in the file to our system:

Name and price are required, but the rest are optional if they don't apply to your fee database. You can opt-out of any optional fields by choosing "Select a column" from the dropdown menus:

Once you've mapped your columns, click Import Fees at the bottom of the options list:

Depending on the size of your list, and how complicated it is, it may take some time for these to import. Give it a while to process before refreshing the page or starting over.

Once the import is complete, you'll receive a confirmation message

Importing Fees to a Table

Once you've got a fleshed-out Pricing Library, you can import your fees into your document by accessing the Pricing Library directly in your Editor. Head over to our Importing Fees from the Pricing Library article to learn more.