
Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Looking to create an integration between Proposify and another app? Zapier might be able to help!

You can find out if an app can integrate with Proposify through Zapier at this link here. 

Proposify works to integrate with a wide variety of sales tools available online. Yet, the internet is chock full of useful tools and we can’t integrate with every one. Zapier is a service that allows you to link Proposify with 1000+ products to help you automate tasks. Looking to post a message on Slack whenever a client leaves a comment in a Document? Zapier can make it happen!


IMPORTANT NOTE: We here at Proposify Success know all the ins and outs of Proposify. We have a line of communication with our Product team and Engineers, this helps to make sure we’re up-to-speed on all changes and updates. We don’t have the same kind of link with Zapier’s teams, and they might update the flow of their service without letting us know. To prevent confusion, this article will focus on the Proposify side of things. If you need support on any Zap-related questions, Zapier has a stellar knowledge base to help you out.


How Zapier Works

Zapier works like your email filters. It uses rules to make actions when someone triggers an event (like adding to folders). There are two kinds of events within Zapier: Triggers and Actions.



Triggers are things that Zapier looks for in order to perform an action. Proposify has the following events supported as Triggers:

  • Proposal Created

  • Proposal Sent

  • Proposal Viewed

  • Proposal Won

  • Proposal Lost

  • Proposal Signed

  • Client Commented on Proposal

  • Client Created

Once you link Zapier to your account, it will run in the background and look for any time one of these trigger events. When they are, then Zapier will perform the appropriate action. 



Actions are the things that Zapier makes happen when a trigger event has occurred. Proposify has two supported actions: 

  • Create Client

  • Create Proposal


Find your API key

To set up your Zapier integration, you’ll need to find your Proposify account’s API key. You can find your API key by going to the Integrations page from the left-hand menu:


Then clicking Zapier [Learn More]: 

Integration Marketplace 2023-11-24 at 1.34.20 pm.jpg


Once on the Zapier integrations page, click on the “get my api key” link: 

Zapier 2023-11-24 at 1.36.44 pm.jpg


This will take you to the API page, where you can highlight and copy your api key to use in Zapier: 


Reset your API key

If you’d rather start from scratch and scrap your other Zaps, you can generate a new API key. You can find your API key by going to the API page, where you can click the “generate new api key” button to create a new key.  


IMPORTANT NOTE: Doing this will cause all Zaps with the previous API key to stop working. Make sure that you only click this button when you need to start fresh.