A guide on linking, creating, changing and disconnecting links from your Proposify Documents to your HubSpot deals.
The main feature of Proposify's integration with HubSpot is the ability to link your Proposify Documents to HubSpot deals. This enables you to sync Document-specific information such as due date, value, contacts and activity between Proposify and HubSpot. Here's a quick guide on how to take advantage of that feature.
Create a New HubSpot Deal from Proposify
From a new Document
If you’re working happily inside Proposify and would rather not create a contact and deal in HubSpot, we’ve got you covered.
To create a new deal directly from Proposify, click the +Document button from the Dashboard page:
Once you’ve chosen a Template, you’ll be directed to the Document’s Settings page, where you can name your Document, select a company, a client, and an assignee. A new dropdown will appear under those options:
Leave the dropdown set to create a new deal and click Next Step. You’re all set!
From an existing Document
To create a new deal for an existing Document, you can do so from the Document’s Settings page. From the Document’s Snapshot, click the notepad icon next to the Settings column:
From there, you’ll see the same HubSpot dropdown, where you can create a new deal:
Link To An Existing Deal
If, on the other hand, you’re more comfortable doing all of the work in HubSpot, and would just like Proposify to update the deal’s stage, we’ve got you covered for that as well! To link to an existing deal, click +Document from the Dashboard page:
Once you’ve chosen a Template, you’ll be directed to the Document’s Settings page, where you can name your Document, provide a due date, select a client, and assign a Document lead. A new dropdown will appear under those:
Expand the dropdown to view a list of active deals within your HubSpot account. Select the deal you wish to link to this Document:
Next, click Update button at the bottom of the page:
And you’re all set! Your deal is now linked to this Document! Even better: Your Document settings will sync with your HubSpot settings, so any changes to one will reflect on the other.
Push Changes To A Linked Deal
Changes to your Document will automatically push to HubSpot the moment the Document changes stages (drafts to sent, sent to viewed, viewed to won/lost). If you’d like to manually push a change, you can do so from Document Settings. Access the Document settings from the Snapshot by clicking the notepad icon next to the Settings column:
From there, click Update:
Voila! Your changes are now pushed to HubSpot.
Unlink Your Document
If, for any reason, you need to unlink your Document from a deal, you can do so from Document Settings. Access Document Settings from the Snapshot page by clicking the notepad icon next to the Settings column:
From there, expand the HubSpot dropdown and select don’t create/link a deal (hint: it’s always at the top of the dropdown):
Once that option is selected, click Update to save your settings.