Salesforce - Dynamic Pricing Tables

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Looking to add your Salesforce Products to your proposal? Click here to find out how.

Proposify makes it easy for your sales team to generate a proposal. Now, you can automatically add Salesforce products to your proposal’s fee tables. Good: your team's work is more consistent. Better: Your team will have an easier time making a proposal. Best: you can close deals even faster!

What You Need For Dynamic Tables

Dynamic fee tables need a few things to function. Here’s what you’ll need to take advantage of this feature: 

  • A Proposify account with Salesforce Integration access.

  • A Salesforce account with API access (Premium or Professional with the API add-on)

  • Access to Salesforce products

  • At least one opportunity with products attached 

If you have all these included in your plans, then you’re ready to begin. We enable dynamic fee tables during your integration installation, so there’s no more setup required.

Adding A Dynamic Fee Table To Your Proposal/Template

The first step to creating a dynamic fee table is to make a regular fee table. Not sure how to do that? You can find instructions for how to create a table here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: for now, all line items pulled from Salesforce products will be set as unit/quantity.

Once you’ve created a fee table (or just want to use an existing one), select it by clicking on the table itself. Once selected, click on the gear icon in the top left corner of the table. In that menu, select the setting under table options labelled Enable dynamic products.


HEADS UP:  any existing fees in this table will be overwritten. If you’d like to save these fees before they’re gone, you can save them to the content library.

If You’re In The Document Editor:

Once you link a proposal to an opportunity using products, we add those products to your fee table all at once. This includes prices, quantities and descriptions.

If the opportunity attached to this proposal doesn’t have any products, the table will look like the template version seen below.

If You’re In The Template/Section Editor: 

Since there’s no way to link a template to an opportunity, your template’s fee table will look like this:

Because there are no products to pull, we keep the table empty. This will look more full the moment this template is used as a proposal.

Populating Your Dynamic Pricing Table

Once you add a table to your proposal, the next thing to do is pull your opportunity details from Salesforce. To do this, you’ll need to go to your proposal settings page.

When creating a new proposal, the settings page appears after you choose a template


Don’t worry about the proposal details. We’ll sync those with the opportunity you’re linking. 

If you’re linking an existing proposal, click edit settings. You can find this in the proposal’s snapshot page:


Once you reach proposal settings, scroll to the salesforce settings options. From there, select Connect to a Salesforce opportunity.


A confirmation menu will appear to the right. From here you can create a new opportunity or link to an existing one. Once you’ve confirmed this is the opportunity you need, click Update, found at the bottom of that same menu:


HEADS UP: This will overwrite any settings that already exist. Make sure you have the right opportunity before proceeding.

Dynamic Pricing Tables In Action

Once you add a dynamic fee table in a proposal linked to an opportunity, we'll push any linked products to the table.

This will update the proposal total without any extra input from you or your sales team. 

Dynamic fee tables are directly linked to your products in Salesforce, so you won’t be able to edit the content now. You can opt to make the quantities editable or the fee itself to be optional. Just note that these may not reflect on the opportunity. You may need to do some tweaking to the opportunity if the customer decides to opt-out of a product.

Update A Dynamic Pricing Table

If you’ve made a change to your opportunity’s products, you can update your dynamic fee table at any time. This can be done from in the table settings menu. First, select your dynamic table.

Once selected, click on the gear icon in the top left corner of the table. In that menu, select the setting under table options labelled Enable dynamic products, then click on Update products.


Once clicked, we’ll pull any updates from the opportunity and place them in the dynamic fee table. Your proposal total, and the {total} variable will also update.

What Your Prospect Sees

Once you’ve imported your Salesforce products to a proposal, the products will appear. These line items will convert to your chosen table styles

Your client will be able to interact with it the same way that they would a regular fee. 

HEADS UP: Want to make a fee editable, or a quantity optional? While you can do that with dynamic fees, they will not update the Salesforce opportunity. Once the deal closes, check to ensure that the values match.

If your customer is viewing the proposal, have them refresh the page. Your updated fee table will appear the moment they return to the proposal.


Seeing as this is a new feature in Proposify, we’ve put out something that will help people get the job done fast. While we’re collecting feedback for version 2 of dynamic tables, here are some things to keep in mind:

One dynamic table per template/proposal.

We’re working on the ability to separate your Salesforce products to more than one dynamic fee table. For now, though, you’ll be importing all your products to one. Once they’re there, you can rearrange the rows to better fit what you need. What’s more, you can add as many other non-dynamic tables as you need.   

If you decide to make another table dynamic, the previous dynamic table will revert to a standard fee table with your previously imported fees still inside. 

This is a one-way sync

Your Proposify proposal will pull your product details from Salesforce. But, any changes or updates to this product in the proposal will not affect your opportunity. If you set an editable quantity or optional line item, you’ll need to mark any changes in Salesforce.