Salesforce - Creating A Proposal In Salesforce

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

A quick guide on how to build and send proposals from Salesforce.

NOTE: This article is for users with Salesforce integration enabled. You can see if your account has access to this from the billing page.

If you're a Salesforce user, odds are that it's the environment you're the most comfortable with. You take to it as a fish takes to water. If you have a plan that accommodates our Salesforce integration, you can work straight from your opportunity.

Once you create an opportunity in Salesforce, a Proposify app will appear on the page. This depends on where your Salesforce admin decides the best place would be. For us. we placed it on the right-hand side. It looks something like this: 

In this app, click create proposal:

Clicking that link will take you to our proposal creation page inside Salesforce. First, you'll need to pick a template: 

Select your template and click next:

Once you’ve picked your template, we'll take you to Proposal Settings. We’ll do most of the work of filling this info from your opportunity details. You can edit these if needed, as well as add attachments or any custom variables:

When you’re ready, hit next. This will take you to the proposal’s Editor. You’ll have all the same tools as if you were working in Proposify. 

Add sections, tweak your text, and update your fees this client’s need. Once you’re done, hit exit at the top of the page:

You’ll see the card in Salesforce has updated when you create the proposal. Here you can see information about the proposal at a glance.


Now that you have created your document in salesforce, its time to request for approval and send off your document to a prospect or change the status of your document.

Salesforce Approval Workflow

Our Salesforce Approval Workflow follows Proposify’s approval workflow. Click here for more information on how our approval system works.

Once your document is created in Salesforce, depending on your role, you may need to submit your document for approval. To request approval, expand the dropdown menu on the right of your document and select Request approval.

Looking for more information on how to assign roles that require approval before sending a document? Click here to read our knowledge base article.


A window will appear asking you to select an approver, expand the dropdown menu next to Select a user to notify and choose who will be notified.

NOTE: Anyone who can send a document without approval can approve this document, provided their role allows them to view it. This window simply chooses who to notify that it’s ready for review.

After selecting who to notify, click Request Approval.

This will change the status of your document from Draft to Awaiting Approval.


To approve a document, expand the dropdown menu next to Awaiting Approval, or the triangle dropdown next to the document and select Approve or Reject.

This opens a new window where you can confirm if you want to approve the document.

Once you confirm your choice, this will change the status of your document to Approved.

Once approved, the person who requested approval will be able to copy the share link or send the document to their prospect via email.