Salesforce - Troubleshooting Field Mapping Errors

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Coming across an import error with a document and don’t know how to resolve it? Click here for help troubleshooting.

We work to make your integration between Salesforce and Proposify seamless. Sometimes, though, things don't always work out like they should. Here’s a list of common error messages and what they mean:

Red: "X fields in this proposal are mapped to required fields in Salesforce that are currently empty.”

Proposify requires some details to generate a document:

Client: First name, last name, and email address

Company: Name

Proposal: Name, client contact, proposal lead.

If you are importing Salesforce fields and some of these are empty, you'll need to fill out these fields. You will need to fix the field in Salesforce.

HEADS UP: It’s important that the update occurs in Salesforce, since the data is only pulled from Salesforce, not the other way around. If done on the Proposify side, you’ll receive a similar error message and your content may be overwritten.

What if the mapping is incorrect? You’ll need to talk to the account owner to change it to the correct mapping.


Yellow: "X fields in this proposal are mapped to required fields in Salesforce that are currently empty.”

This is like the red error message, but the empty fields aren’t required to generate a proposal. You can still proceed, but just keep in mind that there may be a couple of blank spaces within your document. Double-check what these entries are and if their absence would be a problem.


“No Products for this opportunity.”

If your document contains a dynamic fee table, then this error message means your fee table is going to be empty. You can still create and send a proposal. You’ll need to assign some Salesforce Products to this opportunity before your pricing table can populate, though.