HEADS UP: This feature is available to users subscribed to our Salesforce Premium Integration feature. Is this feature the answer to all your problems? Our sales team can get it added to your plan ASAP!
Salesforce Field Mapping gives you an overview of the information we’ll be using to fill out your sales document’s details. This helps you quickly find and resolve any errors before they reach your prospect.
Locate mappings
From a document’s Settings page, click Mappings.
Or, from the Document Editor, click Edit Document Settings, the notepad icon in the top right of the Properties Panel.
From there, click Mappings.
Breakdown of the Mappings menu
In the Mappings menu, you can view your mapped fields related to this proposal. These include:
Your Stage Progression settings
Mapped Fields, fields that pull data from relevant fields in Salesforce Objects.
Available Proposify Custom Fields, these are filled out in Proposify’s Document Settings or User/Contact/Company Profile pages.
Click Update to save your changes. Once saved, you can navigate back to the Proposal Settings tab or click Update to move to the Document Editor.