We’re living in a data-driven world. The more information you have, the better your odds of success. Sales is no different. If you know when the customer has interacted with your document, you can gauge when to follow up and when to ring that victory bell.
Locating the Activity Feed
To reach your document’s activity feed, select the document from the Pipeline:
This will take you to your proposal’s Snapshot. Your activity feed will be on the right-hand side, near the bottom:
Activity Feed Contents
Keep scrolling below to see a full accounting of your proposal’s activity. These include up-to-the-second timestamps and PDF document records:
Your activity Feed will contain:
Signatures received
When and who a prospect viewed the document.
When and who edited a document.
When the document changes state (sent, viewed, won, etc)
Comments, including where the comment was left and who left it.
When someone approves or rejects a document (and who approved/rejected it)
Time Stamps
We record each moment in the activity feed, converted to the time zone found in your profile page:
If your time zone isn't customized, this defaults to Proposify's time zone (Atlantic time). No matter where you’re located, we’ll add the time zone so you know exactly when the activity occurred.
Document History
Proposify generates and stores a PDF file when your sales document moves to these stages:
We also keep a copy whenever you or your customer downloads a PDF. This lets you keep an accurate record of what your customer was looking at and helps you backtrack if the customer changes their mind.
To find a PDF copy in the activity feed, locate when the proposal was either sent, won, lost, or downloaded. You’ll see a download PDF button next to each stage:
Select that button and you’ll receive a PDF copy of the document during that event.
When you select download PDF, we'll place a PDF copy of that version on your hard drive. This PDF will also be time-stamped so you can see when this version was active: