Client Preview Settings - General Settings

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

In the client preview, you'll have several options available to customize what your prospective clients will see when viewing the document.

Updating Preview Settings

To update your document’s look, click Show preview settings at the top right of the Document Preview page: 


Note: You can also set the default settings for all future documents in the Client Previews page in Settings. Click here to read more.


General Settings Tab


Select language

To change the language of the footer and other un-editable areas of your document:


expand the Select language dropdown menu and pick an option from the list:


Select date Format

Depending on your prospect’s location, you may want to change how the date appears in your document. To update the format for all date variables in your document, expand the Select date format dropdown menu and pick an option from the list:


Warning: Changing the date format this way does not affect completed signature boxes; they are stuck in DD/MM/YYYY format for now.


Show Accept/Decline Buttons

If you are sending a document that doesn’t need to be accepted, hide these buttons by clearing the checkmark next to Show accept/decline buttons:


Allow comments

To remove the Comment button from your document:


Clear the checkbox next to Allow Comments:


Use this to limit how your prospect can contact you or to push them to your chat widget.

Show total in footer

To avoid sticker shock, you can hide the total in your pricing table by clearing the checkbox next to Show total in footer:


This will keep your total in the pricing table while removing it from the document’s footer bar.

Show PDF download

Proposify has some great tools to help you see how your prospects interact with your document. Sometimes, though, your prospects may not give any data if they download the PDF copy of your document instead of viewing it in their browser.

To disable this feature and prevent this problem from reoccurring, clear the checkbox next to Show PDF download:


You can still send your prospects a PDF copy by downloading it from the Snapshot or Dashboard page. Keep in mind that your prospects can’t download PDF copies of your document until you re-enable this feature.

Password protection

If you’re concerned about who can access your document, add password protection by selecting the checkbox next to Password Protection, input a password, and then click the checkmark on the right or press Enter on your keyboard:


This will hide your document until a user inputs the correct password. Once you’ve set a password, you can send it to your prospect in a text message or an alternate email address.

WARNING: These passwords are unrecoverable, so ensure to keep track of them.

To remove your password, just clear the checkbox next to Password protection, and you are good to go!

Optimizing your document settings is the capstone of a tailored prospect experience. Check out our Client Preview Defaults page to learn how to set your default client settings to retain these settings for all your future documents.