Tired of entering the same fees over and over again? We make it easy for you to quickly save and add fees to any document!
We get it. Rewriting content is tedious and you’d much rather be out in the field winning sales. To this end, our goal is to streamline your documentation process by maximizing content reusability and by minimizing the amount of manual input required.
Instead of expecting you to manually enter your fees into tables, Our Pricing Library acts as an in-house fee database where you can save and import your fees.
Save Fees From A Pricing Table
If you’ve already input fees into a pricing table, you can quickly save them to your Pricing Library.
To save the fees in your pricing table, expand the Line Item Options menu and click Copy to Fee Library:
You'll know you’ve succeeded when a green notification appears at the top of the page:
Import Fees From a CSV
If you've created a fee database from a CSV file or another external source, you can import it and add its fees to your Pricing Library.
First, open your Pricing Library by opening your Content Library and then click Fees:
Next, open the Import Fees window by clicking Import at the right-hand side of the page:
Here, you can import a file from your desktop by drag-and-drop, or click Click here to upload to open your file explorer and select your CSV file. You can also download a sample CSV file if you'd like to confirm the formatting, or if you’d prefer to manage your fees in an external program (MS Excel, Google Sheets or Apple Numbers).
Once you’ve uploaded your file, you'll be asked to map the file’s fee columns:
If your CSV lacks some of these fields or they aren't applicable (such as "Optional for clients"), you can opt out by selecting Select a column from the Description dropdown menu:
You can opt out of all options except for the Name and Price fields.
Once you've mapped your columns, click Import Fees at the bottom of the window:
Depending on the size and complexity of your list, importing your fees may take some time. Give it a moment to process before refreshing the page or starting over.
If your import is successful, you'll receive a confirmation message:
You can now find all your imported fees in your Pricing Library:
Once added, you can now import your fees into your pricing tables. For instructions, check out our Importing Fees from the Pricing Library article.