Editing Table Format

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Looking to change the look of your tables? Click here to learn how.

Showing your service offerings is helpful, but why just show it when you can show it off? Proposify helps you outline your charges in an eye-catching way that can match your document’s theme.

Changing Default Options

To change your default settings, select Edit Styles and Formatting from the Template or Proposal Editor.

This opens the Styles and Formatting menu, where you can choose your font style, page format, and edit your table settings. Select Tables:

HEADS UP: This will change the settings for every table, including content tables. You can custom-format content tables by selecting a content table in the editor and using the menu pane.

Table Style Options

While in the Tables tab, you’ll see a range of options to match your pricing and content tables to fit your brand. Here’s a breakdown:


Enable Outer Border to add a border around your table. Border Radius rounds the corners of your header and footer lines.


The Header menu helps set the style of your header row. This includes setting a font, row colour, borders, and any padding between the edges and your text.


The Body menu sets the style options for your line items. This includes fonts, row colours, and borders you would like to add.

You can increase the space between your copy and the edge by enabling padding. Enable Alternate Rows to set separate style settings for alternating line items in your table.

Footer Details

This menu sets the font, background colour, borders, and padding for the footer row. The footer rows include:

  • Subtotal

  • Taxes

  • Table Discounts

Footer Total

The Footer Total menu sets the font style, background colour, borders, and padding for the Total line in your footer. This is great for when you want your total to stand out above your other Total items.

Total Savings

Want to highlight how much your prospect is saving with this offering? Use the Total Savings menu to select a new font style, background colour, and padding to your Total Savings row.

Info Panels

Info Panels are the information at the end of your total footer. This includes things such as recurring payment details.