Row Types

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Have a wide range of services and are wondering how to best lay them out? Here’s a guide on our table and row types to help.

Your fees aren’t one-size-fits-all. Some of your charges are on a timeframe or physical quantity. Other times you need to outline a specific service and nothing else. If that’s true for your business, then we have ways of helping you lay out your charges.

Row Types

There are three main row types: Flat, Text, and Unit/Quantity.

Flat Fees

These have only two columns, giving more space for your product’s description. It’s great for when you’re only planning on selling one of a thing, or if you’re selling a specific service.


These line items only have one column: the title and description. Use this to separate your line items into sections.


These rows have four columns: title/description, price per unit, number of units, and the subtotal. You can set an editable quantity if you’d like your customers to choose how many units they would like to purchase.

Recurring Rows

Unit/quantity fees and flat fees can be transformed into an additional, special row type: Recurring rows. This adds a “/timeframe" modifier so you can outline hourly, monthly, or annual fees to your prospects. You can also choose to include the first instalment of the subscription in your total, or leave it out. Click here to learn more about recurring rows.