If you need to lay out complex or important details in a way that can be scanned, parsed, and understood, then you’ll need some tables.
Proposify offers two kinds of tables: Content Tables and Pricing Tables.
Pricing Tables are advanced tables that can calculate the value of your rows to make a sub-total, then calculate those totals to add to the value of your sales document. It can calculate taxes, discounts, and provide optional or editable quantities for your prospect to upsell themselves. We go over adding pricing tables in more detail here.
Content Tables are simple tables with rows and columns, but no additional calculations. We’ll cover content tables in this article.
Add a Content Table
There are two kinds of tables in Proposify: inline and free-form.
Inline tables sit inside of a text box and will resize to match the width of the textbox it’s placed into. This is great when you’re building your copy around a table and don’t want anything getting lost underneath.
free-form tables are outside of text boxes and can be easily moved and resized. It’s great when you need your table to fit somewhere outside of a textbox.
To add an inline table: select Table from the right-hand toolbar:
Select a textbox until you see a blinking cursor. Move the cursor to where you want the table to be added.
Click Table from the toolbar to open Table Properties in the menu pane.
Use the grid to select the number of rows and columns to add, then click the button labelled Add Pricing Table.
To add a free-form table:
Click Table from the toolbar to open Table Properties in the menu pane.
Use the grid to select the number of rows and columns to add, then click the button labelled Add Pricing Table.
Move and Resize A Table
Moving and editing a content table or fee table both work the same way. The main difference is if you’re moving an inline or free-form table.
Inline tables are embedded and can only move within its textbox. You can move these up and down by adding or removing text above the table.
Inline tables automatically resize themselves based on the size of the textbox and how many line items you have in the table.
To move a free-form table, select it until a blue outline appears. Once selected, you can drag the table where you need it.
To resize a free-form table, select it so the sides are highlighted. Next, drag any of the corners until the table meets the size you need.
Add a Column or Row
You can add and remove columns in content tables. When you enter the text of a cell and hover a column you'll see a plus button (+) and trash icon above the column. This lets you add a new column or remove it.
You can't add columns to pricing tables. The columns are standardized based on the fee type (eg: fixed, unit/quantity, monthly etc.) in order to work with external invoicing tools and auto calculate correctly.
Edit Table Style and Formatting
To set a default formatting style for your entire document, click here to read about our Table Styles menu.
If you’d like to individually style your rows, select a cell in that row until you see a blinking cursor. This will open Content Row Properties in the menu pane.
Here’s a breakdown of your menu options:
Row Type |
Sets the default format for this row based on your Table Styles settings. |
Vertical |
Creates a vertical border between your columns. When enabled, you can select the width and colour of this border. |
Bottom Border |
Creates a border at the bottom of this cell’s row. When enabled, you can select the width and colour of this border. |
Padding |
Sets a buffer, in pixels, between the border of the cell and the text within. |
Variables |
Opens the Variables menu to insert a variable or custom field to your table. |
Snippets |
Opens the Snippets menu to insert a snippet to your table. |
Delete A Table
To delete a content table, select it until you see the element outlined in blue, then press backspace
or delete
We’ll ask you to confirm if you want to delete this table. Click Yes, delete table to permanently remove the table from your document.