Adding, Moving and Deleting Rows

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

This article covers how to add, import, move, and delete a row from your pricing table.

Your pricing should be laid out with the same level of care as the rest of your document. After all, what sense does it make to show the warranty and maintenance costs on an item two rows down?


Add A Line Item

To add a line item to your table, select a row by clicking on it.

Next, select the + icon to the left, either above or below the selected row:


A menu will appear. Select the row type you would like to add from the menu:


Not sure what these row types are? Read more about row types here. Once selected, your row will appear either above or below the selected cell depending on what you had selected in the first step.


Import A Line Item

To add a line item to your table, select a row by clicking on it.

Next, click the + icon, either above or below the selected row:


The same menu will appear, but this time select Import Fees at the bottom:


Selecting import fees will open your Pricing Library:


Enable the checkbox next to the line items you’d like to import, then select 'add to table'. Each item will be added based on the order they were selected.

HEADS UP: If this is an inline table in a page flow section, we’ll automatically create a new page if your line items run over. If your table is free-flow, your table may run past the page and lose some line items.


Move Line Items

To move a row, select the row by clicking on it. From there, move your cursor to the row indicator until it turns into a hand. Next, click and drag where the line item should be:


Remove A Line Item

To remove a line item, select the row you’d like to remove. Then expand the Row Settings menu by selecting the three dot icon on the right:



Next, select the trash bin at the top right of the menu:


Once selected, the row will be removed permanently. If you deleted the wrong row, you can undo the action by pressing CTRL/CMD+Z on your keyboard, or by selecting undo at the top of the page.