Layering Elements

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Looking to move your elements on top of one another? This guide helps you select and rearrange element layers in the Editor.


Whether or not you’re a creative type, design is an important factor to your proposals. We’ve done quite a bit of research and discovered that proposals with images have a 23% higher close rate than proposals without.

Proposify comes equipped with ways to add some design flair to your content using shapes, images, videos, and more. Here’s how you can pile them on top of each other.

Arranging Layers

You’ll want your content layered in a cohesive fashion. It doesn’t make any sense to have your images covering up the text. You can use Arrange to move the text box above or below other objects, like the images in this instance.

Bring to front

Places the element in front of all other elements.

Bring forward

Places the element one layer above its current position.

Send backward

Places the element one layer below its current position.

Send to back

Places the element behind all other elements.

Selecting Layers

To select the element, right-click on its location. Expand the select layer menu to see the available layers in this stack of elements. Here we have an image, shape and a second image layered on top of each other. The ‘select layer’ submenu lists everything and includes a preview of each element to help you identify them.



When you hover over a layer, the element will be highlighted with a dashed border and the text will appear blue. Select the layer you would like to edit. Now you can move it around as much as you like!