Email Templates

Melissa Gunn
Melissa Gunn
  • Updated

Looking to create awesome email templates for your documents and follow-ups?

Email templates are perfect for:

  • Pitching to Your Client: Whip up an engaging email to send alongside your proposals.
  • Friendly Reminder: Send a gentle nudge to clients who haven't yet checked out your proposal.
  • Showing Gratitude: Say a big 'Thank You' to clients who've given your proposal the thumbs up.

You can create and save your own email templates in Settings > Email Templates:



You will be brought to the Email Templates page:



Customize an Existing Template

A default template is currently in place, so to customize an existing template, click on one of the template names.

That will bring you to a page where you're able to set the template name, subject and create the body of the email:


NOTE: Something you'll want to be aware of is that by default, the “Click here to view proposal” button uses a variable called {proposal_link}, which is the correct item to have in this button. That variable will link your client to the correct proposal for them to view and sign. Do not change that link.



If you are looking to create more templates, you can do so in the dropdown menu beside + New Template:


After you select which tempalte you'd like to set up, you will see the same edit page as above.

Note the Payments option at the bottom of the dropdown menu - if you connect Stripe to your account, you'll be able to set up an email to remind your clients about payment.