Automatically create projects in ClickUp when your Proposify documents are signed and won!
This automation is part of Proposify's new Automations that is replacing our existing Legacy Integrations. During this early phase, all Automations will be available to all current plans (accounts on legacy plans will need to select one of our current plans to gain access).
This automation is in beta as part of our first core Automations. You are welcome to leave feedback here:
To get started, head over to Automations in the Integration tab in Proposify, select ClickUp (Beta) in the list and then click “Configure” to get started.
Connect Proposify and then enter in your ClickUp API token.
To get your ClickUp API token, follow the steps here:
The final step to connecting ClickUp is to provide the ID of the list you want the Proposify documents created in.
To get the list ID, click on the three dots next to the list's name and then “Copy link”. The ID is the last part of the link.
The link ID is the last part “12345678”.