In this step you'll prepare the workflow you created for the Automations list. Once the workflow has been added to Automation, your team can activate it for themselves.
Adding a logo
Automations look best with a logo. Since this is a Slack integration, it makes sense to use the Slack logo. Right-click this image and click "Save As" to save a copy locally:

Next, open your workflow back up and click the image icon to the left of your workflows's name. Select the Slack icon you just downloaded to make that the icon for this workflow.

Give your integration a category
Click the Integration Details button on the left of your integration designer and give your workflow a category and description. This will help your customers filter and find your workflow easier.
Since this is a Slack workflow, a category of "communication" makes sense, but you can choose whatever category you want.

Clean up config variables
For workflows with few config variables, this may not be necessary, but it's nice to organize required config variables with headers. Open up the config wizard designer from the top of your page. Add two headers by clicking the + Text/Image button - one for reading "Slack Info" and another reading "Todo App Info". Drag the headers and config variables to rearrange them.
That'll give your customers a more polished configuration experience when they deploy this workflow:

While you're in the configuration wizard designer, open each config variable by clicking the pencil icon, and remove the default value from each - that will require your team to enter their own values for each config variable.
Re-publish your workflow
Open the Version History drawer and Save & Publish a new version of this workflow that includes your config variable and icon changes.

Add your workflow to Automations
Note: Workflows deployed by your team will only show in your own Automations. Only Proposify build Automations will be visible to more accounts.
Click Marketplace Configuration on the left-hand sidebar and select Add integration from the top right. Give your listing an Overview:

Click Update when you are done.
Your workflow within the Automations list marketplace would look like this:
Clicking on the integration brings customers to a screen with the description and overview you set: